Ingrown toenails are a condition where the side of a toenail grows into the edge of the skin. This may cause pain, swelling, infection, a 'bulge' at the edge of the nail, pus or blistering. Pressure may cause the tissue to bleed easily or leak fluid.
Why did you get an ingrown toenail?
Trauma, age, stubbed toe, black nail from skiing/running, sports, improper cutting of nails, hard skin build up, fungal infection, yellowing or thickened toenails.
How does it feel?
An ingrown toenail can range from no pain, to monthly pain until the next nail trim, or may be present for many years. It may be excruciating from the pressure of footwear or bed sheets.
Conservative, non- surgical treatment
Our medical pedicure may be all that is required to solve your ingrown toenail. This involves special nail cutting, removal of hidden corns, hard skin build up, clearance of fungal and old skin material, posture assessment, treatment of nail conditions, draining of bacterial infection.
Surgical treatment
If our medical pedicure fails, you may be a candidate for a more permanent solution. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia in our regular podiatry rooms. This is lower risk, quick, effective and cosmetically appealing.
NO General Anaesthesia, NO Stitches.
What will my nail look like?
As only the smallest offending 'slither' of nail, is removed, once healed, a change may not even be noticed.
Our procedure has been very appealing to youth and women.
As an all-female team, we understand the importance of maintaining attractive toe nails.
We do NOT remove the whole toe nail, as nails act as protection for your toes.
Bookings here
Private health insurance rebates apply.