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pre- pointe

Dance Medicine and Science Conference


Dance Medicine and Science Conference

One of our podiatrists Dr Monica Zheng has recently returned from the 26th Annual International Association of Dance Medicine and Science conference in Hong Kong, where she became acquainted with the most recent research and techniques in the world of dance.

Mingling with the world’s best in dance surgery, rehabilitation and training, she has acquired new techniques in the assessment and treatment of dance-related injuries.

It is evident that there is a growing amount of research related to dance and more of a focus on the prevention and management of injuries, a promising sign for dancers and health professionals alike!

Did you know that Pulse Podiatry offers professional pre pointe assessments for ballet dancers? This is an evidence-based evaluation of strength, flexibility, posture and technique. The pre- pointe assessment for dancers looking to go en pointe as well as those already en pointe. This identifies any weaknesses in the musculoskeletal system that are risk factors for injury.

We never want you to miss a chance to dance.

